The indexes of both weight and volume rank first in the world 其重量体积指标处世界领先地位。
The indexes of both weight and volume rank first in the world 其重量、体积指标处世界领先地位。
China has 79 . 2 million users of cable television , ranking first in the world 全国有线电视用户7920万户,成为世界上有线电视用户最多的国家。
As of this day , fins on the average borrow 17 books per year from libraries , ranking first in the world 直到今天,每一位芬兰人一年平均向图书馆借17本书,居世界之冠。
In the past year , the air cargo volume of our airport increased by more than 20 % , again ranking first in the world in terms of air cargo throughput 一年来,经由本港机场进出的货物增长逾两成,机场处理国际货物的流量再次高踞世界第一位。